Monday, October 15, 2007


This was such a great weekend....

  • Got to learn the best ways to evangelise
  • How to spread Gods word
  • Different style of worship
  • 10 people got saved
  • Great speakers
  • Good food lol
And.....There were T-shirts for sale, so I got to get one....

Anyways, this was such a good weekend to worship God, not just in song but also in action.

I find that alot of Christians these days are just all for words. They will sing songs like, "I will go to the ends of the earth for You, Lord" and stuff like, "I'll take up my cross everyday for You Jesus".

Do you think that if God said to someone that he wanted them to go to China, that they will really pack up their stuff, house, family, job etc and go? There are some, who just like the image of people thinking they will, but when the time comes it won't happen. There will be excuses eg: "Its my mothers birthday soon, I'm about to hit jack pot at work, my eldest has just started school". Blah blah blah.

So to be at this weekend I learnt to praise God with all i have an mean it. Not just to make it out as if I was tricking Him and pretending I will go the full way. But to actually do it. That was my highlight for this weekend.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are the genuine article. Nobody could doubt that.

The hypocrisy of the religious has been an issue for Jesus and his followers for 2,000 years, and alas, it is still with us. People use words to puff themselves up and make them seem pious. This is why we need to look to Jesus for our role model.

We need to be careful that we are listening to God. Sometimes we might hope he is calling us to China, when in fact, he might be just calling us to stay where we are and go clean the toilets. The important thing is to be available to be here, there in China, or whatever mission ground God wants us in.

You will know. As I said, you are the real deal and it obvious that you are listening to him and serving him.
Much love my friend.